Saturday, November 10, 2018

Our last weekend

Goodbye Farm, See you in the Spring

Well, last weekend we closed up the farm for winter. Greg built his box around the pipes downstairs to keep them from freezing. A light will go on when the area reaches a certain temperature. 
I put up the other panels of drapes and we put in a white bookshelf Greg got from his mom's house. I have now bought a new bedspread for our bedroom and so the gray one on our bed will be moved to the yellow room. I am still thinking of putting up some white wains coting but I have all winter to decide.
I also did get to priming some of the walls in the room that will be my studio.  Staying away all winter will be hard. I miss it already.  However, spring will be grand.  I can't wait to see the bulbs, peonies, and day lilies I transplanted.

A little white wains coting will really match this bookshelf.   

This will be my art studio.

Still Thinking but Done for Now

Letting it Rest Awhile

Well, we went to the farm this weekend and installed the carpet and put up the drapes. Of course the drapes I bought were only one set with two panels. I thought it would be two sets of two panels because the package said it was a 2 pack. So, for now, there is only one panel on each window. 

We also put up a day bed that we got from Greg's parents. I am now on the lookout for a matching comforter.  What is on there now is just temporary until I find what I am looking for. 

I am trying to decide if there is too much yellow in the room and if I should possibly put up some white wains coting or paint a wall white or gray. I wanted a bright room but some say it looks dark even though it is a very bright yellow. It could be the lighting and the drapes blocking any sunlight from the cloudy day. 

For now, she rests while I think.

We have only one more weekend at the farm before we close her up for winter. This will be hard!
